Copyright 2019. Best Trade Glass International Limited. All rights reserved.

創業玻璃國際有限公司 屬於創業玻璃集團旗下之子公司成立於 2006年, 多年來專門提供高質量之建築玻璃包括: 中空低輻射鍍膜玻璃、夾膠安全玻璃、強化/半強化超長/超大玻璃、工藝絲印彩釉或藥水砂玻璃、防彈或防滑玻璃等等. 為客戶提供專業意見以滿足各類型項目之需要. 產品符合BS.6206, EN-14179(APP-37), ISO9001 等多項國際驗證. 我們創業玻璃承諾提供最優質之服務、產品及價格.

Best Trade Glass International Limited is a subsidiary of Best Trade Glass Holdings Limited which was established in 2006 .We are a leading supplier of high-tech architectural glass covering a wide product spectrum including: IGU with Low-E energy efficient glass, laminated glass, tempered/heat strengthened glass, ceramic frit glass, fire-rated glass, bullet-proof glass and etc. We are the strategic shareholder of several glass manufacturers in mainland China which make us competitive in the worldwide glass market. At Best Trade Glass, we commit ourselves to providing the best quality, the best service and the best price.


創  業  玻  璃  國  際  有  限  公  司